
Carbon Neutral

As a company of the piquadro group, The Bridge is now carbon neutral for its operational activities.

Our goal is to create a better future for the next generations. And we're building it every day. Today for tomorrow.
We measure our impact, then act to reduce and offset it, supporting certified emission removal projects:
such as the Fazenda Nascente Do Luar reforestation project and the Rio Anapu Pacaja deforestation prevention project.
In this way, we've achieved carbon neutrality in our activities as the Piquadro Group (Scope 1 and 2) for 22/23.

 | The Bridge
 | The Bridge
 | The Bridge
 | The Bridge


The reforestation project had positive effects also on the biome,
progressively taking the fauna back into the Cerrado areas that had been deforested.
Lastly, the local communities benefited with new job opportunities and
a better quality of life for the workers and their families.
The project activities allowed 6 out of the 17 sustainable development goals established by the United Nations to be reached.


A project in the Brazilian Amazon covering 148,000 hectares in Portel combats deforestation by supporting local families in adopting sustainable agroforestry.
Since 2012, the initiative has expanded monitoring efforts, training locals to patrol and engage squatters,
offering alternative income sources to deter illegal logging and promote nature conservation. The regional forests are rich in valuable timber species.


In addition to offsetting the carbon footprint relating to the corporate activities, the Piquadro Group is taking up another
important commitment: it will gradually begin to offset the CO2 emissions relating to the production of some best sellers.
The Bridge will start with a women’s bag and a men’s backpack of the Story line.
 | The Bridge | The Bridge

Together with the Piquadro Group, The Bridge will thus be one of the first companies in the world
to have embraced such a level of commitment.

The CO2 emissions generated by the green products of the Story line have been calculated based on the GHG protocol. They were then offset based on the production with an extra 15% to cover any calculation errors through Verra VCS standard-certified carbon credits that support the Fazenda Nascente do Luar reforestation project. This operation will be repeated every year.

* Receivables related to the Offsetting of Group Assets Receivables related to the offsetting of The Bridge brand assets amounted to 552.

** Receivables related to the offsetting of some of the Group's products. Receivables related to the offsetting of some of The Bridge brand products amount to 73.

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